Definity Steps Up

We're fundraising for nature and wildlife

We have committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada.

We are totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge! While we are doing our part, we are counting on you to help us reach our fundraising goal. The funds we raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Jeffrey Baer

Good luck Team Definity! Thank you for supporting our planet.


William Ffrench-o’carroll


Definity Benevity


Prashant Mahera


Maia Pollioni


Gloria Dang


Barbara Lavigne


Nicole Lavigne


Definity Matching


Definity Matching


Tarun Agarwal


Caroline Palacios


Tracy Mann

Thanks for stepping up!


Definity Matching




Definity Benevity




Doug Jowett

2 steps at a time. It will go faster!


Anita Gatti


Klos Concepts Ltd

Good luck!


Jessica Castillo-blanchet

I believe in you and you're going to do great on this climb!!


Garry Ertel


Danielle Maalouf


Katia Klos


Josh Chartrand

Good luck and have fun on the climb!


Definity Benevity


Garry Jahn




Sam Jowett


Akarsh Shetty


Margaret Jowett

Just wonderful! Have a fun day!


Dave Mcclure


Cameron Jowett


Serhii Dzebliuk


Ashara Meidell

Let's gooooooooooooo ;)


George Maalouf


Anu Mohanan


Zain Iqbal


Jacki Lavigne



You can do it, you got this!



Go, Sammy, Go!


Lisa Lebrasseur

I’ll be cheering you on from here.. you got this!!!


Mathieu Genest

Good luck Caroline!


Melanie Kruger


Jenny Jahnhudec


Saurav Rattu


Akarsh Shetty


Katia Klos




Jeff Kennes




Nicole Hurley

You've got this!


Sarvagya Agrawal



Hope $10. Is good



Go Shetty go!