Fiera Capital

We're fundraising for nature and wildlife

We have committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada.

We are totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge! While we are doing our part, we are counting on you to help us reach our fundraising goal. The funds we raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Fiera Capital Foundation


Imran Chaudhry

Go Team!


Blair Nicolle


David Arthur

Good luck


Holly Mark-hilton

POP OFF GIRL!!! Rooting for u from MTL :)


Yasser El Boudi


Angela Zhao


Elaine Arthur

What a fantastic endeavour


Paul Fullarton


Nadra Parsons-midanik

Way to climb Tteam for such a great cause!


Lynne Pirie

Good luck


Brent Nicolle


Terry Ouyang


Erin Meagher-smith

Good luck team!


Heather Pirie

Great Cause. Good luck


Ofelia Duffy


Michael Formusa

You got this Div!


Wen Qiu


Wen Qiu


Seb B

Good Luck!






Tony R

Good luck!


Tony R

Good luck!


Tony R

Good luck!


Tony R

Good luck!


Elsie Wang

Time to show those stairs who's boss!!! Go crush it Matthew!!!!



Way to go!


Daria Zhukova

Again, my condolences


Arthi Baliga

Very happy you are doing this! But be careful please.




Sandra Zhang


Howard L

Good luck! Will be there in spirit as you scale CN Tower


Howard L

Good luck! Will be there in spirit as you scale CN Tower


Howard L

Good luck! Will be there in spirit as you scale CN Tower


Howard L

Good luck! Will be there in spirit as you scale CN Tower


Elsie Wang

WOLF of Bay St. Lesssssss goooooooooo!!!!!!!



Good luck !


Krista Fullarton

Go Nathan!


Sandra Zhang


Louise Tsun

Good luck and have fun team :)


Louise Tsun

Have fun, Graydon :)



Go Nathan! Love Nana

