Laserbody MD

We're fundraising for nature and wildlife

We have committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada.

We are totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge! While we are doing our part, we are counting on you to help us reach our fundraising goal. The funds we raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Lori Trichilo

Live Large!


Lori Trichilo

Live Large


Lori Trichilo

Go Bills!!!


Scott Correia

Kick ass!!!


Dave & Barb

Great Cause. Go Meg


Darren Correia


Gavin Correia


Heather Arnold


Angela Bess

So proud of you!


Tracy Staples


Joe Armstrong

Good luck!


Farsk Health

Great cause. Goodluck guys!


Scott Correia

Great cause, Get it Done!!!!


Scott Correia

Great cause bud, Get it Done!!!


Paul Smyth

Go Meg Go! 😃😃😃😃


Megan Smyth

Thanks for the donation Grandma!



So sad I wont be doing it but I will be there in spirit.


Denise Collarile

Go Heather go!!!


Jessica Butera


Melissa Attard

; )


Melissa Attard

; )


Debbie Moniz

Way to go Gavin, We’re proud of you! Love Uncle Joe & Aunt Debbie


Lynn Kiatipis

Congratulations Syd and team! Well done!


Keenan Schneider


Nadira Retul


Megan Smyth


Shirley Armstrong

Good luck Heather


Tom Mangos


Lindsay N


Pamela Longhurst

Fantastic. Thank you for helping nature and wildlife. Enjoy the climb.


Karen Rabethge Littlejohn

Go Heather Go





Go Sydney!


Patricia Gagnon

We know you can do it


Peggy Jeffrey

Have fun. Its a long way up!


Peggy Jeffrey

Its not as easy as it looks. Ha ha ha ha, have fuuuuun


Sophie Pascary


The Kerba’s


Estrela Correia


The Morrissey’s


Natalie Simms


Kelly Armstrong

Good luck!


Justin Wladyka


Benesa Manzi


Debbie Moniz

Good job Darren, great that you’re participating in this! Love Auntie Debbie xoxo


Phil Kiatipis


Joe Moniz

What a great cause Darren, Proud of you! Uncle Joe


Melissa Mangos


Krysta Iatropoulos


Arry Mangos


Stefon Diggs

Go Bills!!!




Tara R

Go get em Racoon



Keep up the good work, wish I could join you for the climb.


Linda Wickens

you got this!!


Patricia Pike

Way to go Darren!


Josh Allen

Go Bills!


Alex Mangos