WWF Climb for Nature x CN Tower

Angel Torres' Fundraising for Nature & Wildlife 🌎🐼💚

Dear Friends,

I've committed once again to climb the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada. I've been training hard so I am totally up for this great physical and fundraising challenge!

Things to be aware of:

• Our planet is on the verge of major environmental damage because of plastics pollution, car emissions, ozone damage, industrialization, and many other reasons

• 2023 was a record breaking season for wildfires in Canada, and 2024 is predicted to be much more severe

• Much of our beautiful wildlife is critically close to extinction

While I am doing all the hard, sweaty work, I am counting on you to please help me reach my fundraising goal. 100% of funds I raise will support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight global warming.

* Please see gallery of real images (at bottom of page) uploaded to show the reality of what we are all to continue dealing with if we don't take action now!

Can I please count on your support for this great cause ?

TOGETHER we can #RegenerateCanada !

Most gratefully, 

Angel Torres 💚

My Achievements

Walking the talk
I self donated

Social Butterfly
I shared my page

I'm 1/2 way there

I reached my goal

I updated my blog

Setting goals high
I raised my target

Pack Leader
I am a team captain

Prize donor
I donated my prizes back

My Updates


Vendredi 19th Apr
Feeling fantastic today ! Exhausted, a little sore, but in such greater shape compared to a year ago ! Last year, though I trained hard for months, my achilles heel was my lack of lung power, so this year I knew that was my priority to strengthen my lung capacity, so I've been pushing my cardio honestly like never before and its really payed off in several ways: 
1. I've learned to love my cardio workouts, which I never did, and it's made it easier to get through long cardio workouts & have fun with it 
2. My lungs are so much stronger
3. All the cardio & heavy sweating has really leaned out my middle area which has always been so stubborn and the fat cells always came back sooner or later
4. By leaning out, its making it greatly easier to strengthen the abs/core area like never before
5. I challenged & pushed myself, which I've always enjoyed because I appreciate the rewards of achievement & pride when I commit myself to a goal and follow through to earn my prize, and that is a priceless feeling that NO ONE can grant me, except myself
6. All these overall results have given me tremendous confidence to know I will be slaying my time of 25:45 mins. from a year ago !!

Massive thank yous to all my incredibly kind & generous sponsors for seeing me, seeing this altruistic higher cause, and thus supporting me with my goals and to boost my confidence and  so we may all be assured we pitched in and literally took steps to help save our beautiful planet which is screaming for help. I am so grateful to be doing this all TOGETHER with you all and will make us all proud for our investment & commitment to the WWF !
From my heart, oceans of gratitude for your support friends, 
Angel Torres 🐼 🌎 💚


Samedi 6th Apr
Hello friends, 
So I've been training hard and happy to report:
1. my cardio and lungs are a lot stronger than last year, so I should be able definitely improve last year's climbing time of 25:45 mins for sure !
2. Huge thanks to my incredibly generous & kind supporters for their great donations so far ! I'm now at 2/3's of my fundraising goal !!
Please support me and complete my fundraising goal, with every $20/minimum donation you get a charitable receipt and you can either have your name as a proud supporter of this great cause OR stay anonymous if you prefer.
Big love & gratitude from Mother Nature & I,
Angel Torres 

Strengthening my cardio workouts !

Mardi 19th Mar
I've been really strengthening my cardio workouts ! Last year was my first time climbing the CN Tower for WWF, and though it was mostly easy, I admit my lung power needed some strengthening ! Though my muscle strength is good, and I also do some yoga for flexibility and alignment, my cardio has always been my weakness but really pushing my cardio again and getting some great improvement and enjoying it more and more each workout !! :) 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rob Townshend

You can do it!!


Jeff Levasseur


Joie And Natalie Jansz - Lamar

Make it happen, Amigo!


The Continental Dance Club C/o Brian Torner

I support you with my heart and you support WWF with your dedication! Bravo


Keren Brown


Monica Lopez


Richard Bergeron

Congratulations for your efforts


Angel Torres


Dennis Benoit



Angel you are such an inspiration ! Congrats & best wishes with the climb !