Flyin' Brian

WWF Climb for Nature x CN Tower

I am fundraising for nature and wildlife

I've committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada. I am totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge!

While I am doing my part, I am counting on you to help me reach my fundraising goal. The funds I raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

My Achievements

Walking the talk
I self donated

Social Butterfly
I shared my page

I'm 1/2 way there

I reached my goal

I updated my blog

Setting goals high
I raised my target

Pack Leader
I am a team captain

Prize donor
I donated my prizes back

My Updates

My CN Tower Climb Fundraiser Journey Begins!

Vendredi 29th Mar
Dear readers,

I am thrilled to embark on a challenge that involves conquering heights for a meaningful cause. On April 21, 2024, I will be participating in the CN Tower climb fundraiser, where I will climb over 1,700 stairs to the top of this iconic landmark in support of WWF Canada. My personal reason for this climb is simple: I wanted to challenge myself. Despite being born and raised in Toronto, I've never been up the tower. I'm excited that my first time will be up the stairs, all while supporting a cause I care deeply about. By stepping up in the WWF Climb for Nature, I am part of something bigger. Together, we can reverse the seemingly irreversible path we are on and create a brighter future for wildlife, nature, and people. Throughout this journey, I will be documenting my training progress, sharing insights into the preparation involved, and highlighting the incredible work being done by WWF Canada. I hope that you will join me on this challenge by following my blog and, if possible, supporting my fundraising efforts. Together, we can reach new heights and make a real impact on the world around us.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Thank you to my Sponsors



Good luck buddy!



I'll go first! Good luck me!