Cailin's Birthday Climb

We're fundraising for nature and wildlife

We have committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada.

We are totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge! While we are doing our part, we are counting on you to help us reach our fundraising goal. The funds we raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Zenetec Collsion



You got this!!!




Anne Downey

Go girl !!Hope you get the elevator down lol!


Gramps & Gt

Good luck on your climb!


Amanda Grewal


Sandra Beveridge


Anne Downey

Good luck!



Hey! Good luck on your climb!


Ellen White

Go Carter!


Jen Hoyda

Happy birthday, good luck, you got this!! 💛💖💛


Cailin White


Melissa Keays

Glad its you and not me going up there! LOL



You Can Do IT! :)


Megan Brooks

Good luck, Diane ;) Don't trip....


Christina Hele



Beat ya to the top! ❤️


Deborah Macdonald

Go Team Go ! Have a good time and don’t forget to breathe Our wildlife thanks you!!


Jennifer Kuzmowich

Happy Birthday Cailin!




Ashlee Stewart

Proud of you girl, you've got this!


Martin Monteith

You can do it 👍🏻


Andrew Aprile


James Scott


Steph Laing

Have fun ladies!!!


Shannon Asher

Great work, Cailin!


Shannon Asher