Jonathan Tysick

WWF Climb for Nature x CN Tower

I am fundraising for fellow creatures and creations

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed..." (Genesis 1:31)

I've committed to climbing the CN Tower next month to support WWF-Canada. Should be a tiringly fun time. 

Would you consider throwing me a few loonies? The funds I raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

My Achievements

Walking the talk
I self donated

Social Butterfly
I shared my page

I'm 1/2 way there

I reached my goal

I updated my blog

Setting goals high
I raised my target

Pack Leader
I am a team captain

Prize donor
I donated my prizes back

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jonathan Tysick


Jim & Catherine Tysick


Barb & Matthew

Don’t wear moccasins.


Jim And Catherine


Jonathan Tysick