Olivier Cauvin

WWF Climb for Nature x CN Tower

I am fundraising for nature and wildlife

I've committed to climbing the CN Tower on April 21st to support WWF-Canada. I am so excited by this physical and fundraising challenge!

After last year's wildfires and other unprecedented climate-related events around the globe, I thought this would be a great cause to support this year.

While I am doing my part, I am counting on you to help me reach my fundraising goal. The funds I raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change. 

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

CN Tower here I come!!!

(Scroll down to see my blog)

My Achievements

Walking the talk
I self donated

Social Butterfly
I shared my page

I'm 1/2 way there

I reached my goal

I updated my blog

Setting goals high
I raised my target

Pack Leader
I am a team captain

Prize donor
I donated my prizes back

My Updates

This was sooo much fun!

Mercredi 24th Apr
Thank you so much to all my very generous donors, this climb up the CN Tower was memorable! Made it in 18’05 (without the help of the handrail, although VERY tempting to speed up) and the view from up there was breathtaking with the clear morning sky. Unfortunately cells were not allowed so I don’t have any photo from the top, but back down I have some pretty cool ones. See below!

Today's run on Strava - up my condo stairs

Dimanche 14th Apr

Trained up my condo staircase today!

Dimanche 14th Apr
Might not be the most glamorous work out, but probably as close as it gets to the actual race. 19 storeys up (and down...) 10 times today.
My key thoughts at this stage: (1) should I just "walk fast" to try keeping the same pace throughout and (2) should I go 1 by 1 or 2 by 2???

Some flat work to train for endurance

Jeudi 4th Apr
Enjoyed the last snow of the season, so magic to run in such beautiful settings! (and for those who wonder, no need for any special shoes, fresh snow is not slippery, only melted/ice can be tricky) 

Time to start training!

Dimanche 17th Mar
Just over a  month before the WWF Climb for nature! It was really time to get training started with some focus work. On the program today: running up the Baldwin steps by Casa Loma here in downtown Toronto. A mere 110 steps, did it 20 times to check how my legs are doing... While the CN Tower is 'only' 1,776 steps, going non stop + the indoor feeling + going in spiral will be an entirely different exercise.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paul Ladner

Good luck Olivier!


Olivier Cauvin

Let's get this started!


Gregory Wauthier



Steve Kossuth

Way to go Olivier!!!


Sylvie, Jean-pierre Et Jc Cauvin

Super challenge original, belle montée vers le sommet. plein d'énergie positive depuis St Germain


Elke Rubach

Happy climbing! if you go two by two it's a lot faster and easier. 😊


Jason Van Dam

Good luck on the climb


Marcus Woschnagg

that is a spirit . . . training the legs for the medoc challange ahead : )


Thilo Hanitsch

Go strong!


Mark Jones

Good luck!