Sean Torrie

WWF Climb for Nature x CN Tower

I am fundraising for nature and wildlife

I've committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada. I am totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge!

While I am doing my part, I am counting on you to help me reach my fundraising goal. The funds I raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

My Achievements

Walking the talk
I self donated

Social Butterfly
I shared my page

I'm 1/2 way there

I reached my goal

I updated my blog

Setting goals high
I raised my target

Pack Leader
I am a team captain

Prize donor
I donated my prizes back

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paul Torrie


Hillary Buchan-terrell

When you get part way up, just remember that it’s still a lot of work to go back down, so you might as well just go up. Don’t be afraid to take breaks and let people pass if you need some time to catch your breath. They’ll wait for you at the top. Also there are like 3 more sets of stairs after you think it’s done. Lol


Joan Torrie

Good luck tomorrow. I hope you make it all the way!


Edelgard Von Von Zittwitz



Brett Armstrong

up and at them


Elaine & Glenn Torrie


Ryan Torrie

Good luck


Brian Torrie


Sarah T


William Norman


Neil And Kaye Torrie


Christine Aikens


Victoria Bagg



Sean Torrie