Team Monkey-Monk

We're fundraising for nature and wildlife

We have committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada.

We are totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge! While we are doing our part, we are counting on you to help us reach our fundraising goal. The funds we raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Matt Kanas


Anna Harhay


The Mosawi’s


Jason Prowd

Nice one! That is a serious climb.


Patrick O’brien

Good luck!


Mona Houston


Brad Weiler

Best of luck tomorrow!


Mila & Cole Veselinovic

Go Team Monkey-Monk!


Katarina Babic

good luck Fletcher!!!


Tracy Houston

Way to Go Laura & Fletcher!


Dean Kanas


Doron Schweitzer


Cindy Duong

This climb is so much fun! You're going to do great, Fletcher!


Soumik Sen

All the best!!!


Sylvie Gosselin

Have fun!!


Eric Buchegger


Annie Costello

Good luck, Fletcher! 💪


Mona Houston

What a wonderful thing to be doing Fletcher and it is great you are doing it with your Mom!


Leandra Polce

Have fun, Fletcher!!!


Michael Salem

You guys are amazing!


Geoffrey Morgan


Ramuniqe Shoker

Go Fletcher!


Ryan Embree




Natalie Davey

Thanks for always being such a support to Reframeables 💛 You’re going to rock this climb!