TMU Climbers

We're fundraising for nature and wildlife

We have committed to climbing the CN Tower in April to support WWF-Canada.

We are totally up for this physical and fundraising challenge! While we are doing our part, we are counting on you to help us reach our fundraising goal. The funds we raise will help support WWF-Canada's efforts to restore nature, reverse wildlife loss and fight climate change.

Together we can Regenerate Canada.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Luis Fernando Lopez


Cbridge Turners



Diane Turner


Craig Tompkins


Margaret Wright


Monica Fey

Lindo proyecto


Marianella Farreras

Excelente iniciativa Vanessa


Ana Reyes

You got this!! have fun!!




Leysi Vanegas

Espero disfrutes la experiencia y recojas mucho dinero para esta causa❤️❤️


Nasly Vanegas



Lauren M


Vanessa Lopez-vanegas

on behalf of myself !


Andy Fegarty



Good Luck tomorrow Vanessa, you can do it!


Ella Miller



Yo soy una soapita y soy bonita!