Michaela Freedman

WWF Climb for Nature x CN Tower

I am fundraising for indigenous communities and voices

The world is facing unprecedented global crises, yet we are not doing enough to combat these threats. Despite the urgency, viable solutions have not been adopted on a meaningful scale. Impeding progress are the deeply rooted prejudices and misconceptions of indigenous cultures and traditions. With thousands of years of existence, they have honed and refined the most effective methods that offer invaluable lessons for humanity's most pressing dangers.

From the Pemón in Venezuela to the Baining in Papua New Guinea, embedded in their ideologies is the fundamental belief that as custodians of the earth they must respect its sacredness and their interconnectedness with all life. They know that without a healthy environment their role as stewards is at risk. The loss of indigenous culture would mean the disappearance of indispensable knowledge and insights into harmonious coexistence with nature.

By consulting and collaborating with indigenous communities we have the opportunity to harness their innovative methods for protecting Earth’s precious resources and diverse ecosystems.

Our campaign, 'High Ascenders,' seeks to amplify indigenous voices and cultural practices, advocating for the adoption of their wisdom and worldviews. By supporting us you aid the WWF's mission to learn and apply indigenous knowledge while empowering communities to reclaim and revive both their ancestral practices. Together, let's cultivate change and safeguarding those who safeguard our planet.

My Achievements

Walking the talk
I self donated

Social Butterfly
I shared my page

I'm 1/2 way there

I reached my goal

I updated my blog

Setting goals high
I raised my target

Pack Leader
I am a team captain

Prize donor
I donated my prizes back

Thank you to my Sponsors


David Baskin And Joan Garson

Take it easy on that ankle


Lawrence Freedman


Delores Rosen



Ron Factor

Good luck, Michaela! xx


Rachel Nelson

Good cause! Good luck!!


Mario Stifano


Eric Rosen


Heather And Marty Kagan

Good for you!!!


Dalia, Kyle, Hallie, And Rory

Proud of you!